The Chenequa Police Department has compiled a list of the most common topics that arise in law enforcement. The information is provided NOT to alarm you, but to make you aware and knowledgeable on the current topics.
- Community Notifications
Missing Persons and Emergency Alerts
- Crime Stoppers
A crime tip hotline and address
- Drug Collection
A public Service to keep chemicals out of the environment
- Graduated Drivers Licenses
Earning a Driver’s Permit in Wisconsin
- Fireworks
Wisconsin Laws
- Fraud
Basics to protect yourself
- Home Drug Test Kits
Test your teens
- Internet Safety
Children, Adults and Identity Theft
- Personal Safety
Basics to protect yourself
- Sex Offenders
Tracking Sex Offenders
- Teen Drug Use
Parental Involvement
- Terrorism
Community Preparedness Plans in Place
- Vehicle Registration
Titles, plates and registration services
- Victim Information
Adults, Juveniles, Witness Advocacy, Restitution and
VINE: Victim Information and Notification Everyday