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Chenequa Police Department
Village of Chenequa - Police Department

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    Past Updates / Alerts Archives

    We are hiring! Community Service Officer (CSO)

    The Village of Chenequa Police Department is looking for motivated individuals to join our team!  We are currently looking to fill positions for our Community Service Officer (CSO) positions.

    As a CSO, you will gain valuable firsthand experience in the realm of Law Enforcement while getting paid.  If you are interested in applying for the CSO position, please visit the Village of Chenequa Police Department during normal business hours or click on the link below for an employment application.

    You may email your completed application to Officer Chochola at

    CSO Handout

    Employment Application

    Updated Press Release


    Incident: Fatal Vehicle Crash – February 18, 2023

    On Saturday, February 18th, 2023, at 2:34pm the Village of Chenequa Police Department responded to a  motor vehicle crash on E/B STH 16 just west of STH 83.  It has been determined from several witnesses that one of the vehicles involved entered the E/B lanes of STH 16 from STH 83 going W/B, the wrong way, in the E/B lanes of traffic.  This vehicle then collided with another vehicle, head-on, in the E/B lanes of traffic.

    The driver of the wrong way vehicle is now being identified as 47-year-old Melissa Bright of Sullivan, WI.

    Full Press Release

    Chenequa Police Department Annual Report - 2021

    On behalf of the staff of the Chenequa Police Department, it is my pleasure to introduce our first annual report.  The impetus for this report is a desire to communicate with our community stakeholders the actions taken by our department to preserve and improve the quality of life in our very special community.

    As we move forward into 2022, our staff is focused on continuing to find new and innovative ways to provide the best possible service to our residents and the other members of the public passing through the village on a daily basis.

    Chenequa PD 2021 Annual Report


    VILLAGE OF CHENEQUA  •  31275 W County Road K  •  CHENEQUA WI 53029

    OFFICE HOURS:  Monday • Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm  •  Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

    VILLAGE HALL  (262) 367-2239  •  Fax (262) 367-3341  •  POLICE DEPARTMENT  911 or (262) 367-2145

    AFTER HOURS POLICE  911 or (262) 446-5070 (WCC Dispatch Center)